Marta Braun

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Marta Braun

Marta is an internationally reknowned historian of art, film and photography, and a noted expert on E.J. Marey and Eadweard Muybridge. In 1994, her book Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne Jules Marey, was shortlisted for Britain's Kraszna-Krausz award, given bi-annually for the best internationally published book in photography. She went on to win this award in 1999, along with four other authors, for the collection of essays Beauty of Another Order: Photography in Science. In 1996 Marta was made a Knight of the Order of Academic Palms by the Government of France in recognition of her contribution to the cause of French knowledge, culture, scientific progress and education.

Artists, Patrons, and the Public: Why Culture Changes

Data pubblicazione: 
Settembre 2010

Artists, Patrons, and the Public: Why Culture Changes

Autore del libro: 
Barry e Gail Lord
Indicazioni bibliografiche: 

Altamira, May 2010

Il 24 e 25 settembre 2010 Gail e Barry Lord terranno a Bologna il workshop Nuove Risorse per la Cultura, organizzato da BAM - Bologna Art Managers, in collaborazione con il Corso di Laurea Magistrale GIOCA - Graduate degree in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts, con il patrocinio del MiBAC - Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali.