Ole Reitov

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Ole Reitov

Ole Reitov, Programme Manager, co-writer of  “Visas / the discordant note” , took the initiative to the 1st World Conference on Music and Censorship in 1998 and is a co-founder of Freemuse , the World Forum on Music & Censorship. He organised the first international Cultural Diversity Conference in Scandinavia in 2002 and has lectured world-wide on music censorship, cultural policies and cultural diversity. A former broadcaster he has worked as media and music consultant in Africa and Asia and as journalist in more than 40 countries. He even served as chairman of the EBU World Music Workshop and as Project Manager at the Danish Center for Culture and Development.

e-mail: ole.reitov@freemuse.org

Freemuse Quick Guide (c)

Data pubblicazione: 
Ottobre 2010
Ole Reitov

Quando si ha a che fare con gli uffici che rilasciano i visti e le ambasciate, può capitare di dover discutere con funzionari e personale; fare riferimento ad alcuni punti delle convenzioni e delle raccomandazioni internazionali sull'argomento può essere utile per ricevere il visto senza (o con meno) problemi.