Natasha Borg

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Natasha Borg

Master in Baroque Studies con un background in Fine Arts, Architecture and Cultural Management, ha diretto per sei anni una società svedese attiva a Malta con attività internazionali. In Italia ha approfondito i temi del management culturale, in particolare il marketing territoriale; rientrata a Malta lavora come operatrice indipendente in diversi progetti legati a management, progettazione e mostre. Dal 2006 ha fondato e dirige a Malta, insieme a Sara Falconi, Atelier culture.projects (, che si occupa di management culturale a livello nazionale e internazionale.

North to South: Space for Memories

Data pubblicazione: 
Aprile 2010
Natasha BorgSara Falconi

North to South: Space for Memories was designed in spring 2009 as an experiment that aimed at exploring three spatial realities and the interaction between these spaces and their inhabitants, both in a contemporary and in a historical perspective. To this end, the project involved two different generations.
The project was implemented between June 2009 and February 2010 with the support of the European Cultural Foundation, the Amsterdam-based organisation that focuses on cultural cooperation as an instrument for European integration.